Past Lectures at Osaka University (2014-)
Lectures for 2022
For Graduates
Macroeconomic Analysis II (GSE), Special Lectures on Economic Growth I (OSIPP), Spring Term, Fridays 3:10PM-.
Topics covered: Foundation of Economic Growth, Directed Technological Change, Factor-augmenting Technological Change, Knowledge Accumulation, Environment and Growth, Bubbles and Economic Growth, etc.
Acemoglu (2012) "The Environment and Directed Technical Change," AER
Bloom, Jones, Van Reenen and Webb (2020) "Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find?" AER
Special Lectures on Economic Growth II (OSIPP) Winter Term, Fridays 3:10PM-.
Lectures for 2021
For Graduates
Special Lectures on Economic Growth I (Bubbles and Economic Growth), Spring Term, Fridays 3:10PM-.
Papers covered:
斎藤誠「新しいマクロ経済学 新版」第2章
Olivier J. Blanchard & Mark W. Watson, 1982. "Bubbles, Rational Expectations and Financial Markets," NBER Working Papers 0945
Tirole, Jean, 1985. Asset bubbles and overlapping generations. Econometrica 53, 1499–1528.
Weil, Philippe, 1987. Confidence and the real value of money in an overlapping generations economy. Quart. J. Econ. 102, 1–22.
Mankiw NG, Ball LM. 2021 Market Power in Neoclassical Growth Models, NBER Working Paper 28538. .
Special Lectures on Economic Growth II (Ideas and Economic Growth). Fall Term, Fridays 3:10PM-.
Papers to cover:
Samuel S. Kortum (1997) “Research, Patenting, and Technological Change,”Econometrica, 65, No. 6, 1389-1419
Ryo Horii "Wants and Past Knowledge: Growth Cycles with Emerging Industries," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Vol. 36(2), Pages 220-238, February 2012.
Aghion, Bergeaud, Boppart, Klenow & Li, 2019. "Missing Growth from Creative Destruction," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 109(8), pages 2795-2822.
Robert E. Lucas Jr. & Benjamin Moll, (2014). "Knowledge Growth and the Allocation of Time," Journal of Political Economy, vol. 122(1), 1 - 51
Charles Jones (2020), “The End of Economic Growth? Unintended Consequences of a Declining Population,” working paper.
Lectures for 2020
For Graduates
Special Lectures on Economic Growth (Innovations and Structural Change), Spring Semester, Fridays 2:40PM-.
Papers covered:
Ryo Horii "Wants and Past Knowledge: Growth Cycles with Emerging Industries," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 36(2), Pages 220-238, February 2012.
Acemoglu, Daron and Veronica Guerrieri, 2008. “Capital Deepening and Nonbalanced
Economic Growth,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 116(3), pages 467-498.
Francisco J. Buera and Joseph P. Kaboski 2012, “The Rise of the Service Economy,”
American Economic Review, vol. 102, no. 6, pp. 2540-69.
Ngai, L. Rachel, and Christopher A. Pissarides, 2007. “Structural Change in a Multisector
Model of Growth,” American Economic Review, vol. 97(1), pages 429-443.
Aghion, Bergeaud, Boppart, Klenow & Li, 2019. "Missing Growth from Creative Destruction," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 109(8), pages 2795-2822.
Macroeconomic Analysis II. (Environment and Economic Growth). Fall Term, Fridays 3:10PM-.
Papers covered:
Ikefuji & Horii, 2007. "Wealth Heterogeneity and Escape from the Poverty–Environment Trap," Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 9(6), 1041-1068.
Ikefuji & Horii, Ryo, 2012. "Natural disasters in a two-sector model of endogenous growth," Journal of Public Economics, 96(9-10), pages 784-796.
Acemoglu, Aghion, Bursztyn & Hemous, 2012. "The Environment and Directed Technical Change," American Economic Review, 102(1), pages 131-166.
Tetsuo Ono, 2002. "The Effects of Emission Permits on Growth and the Environment," Environmental & Resource Economics, vol. 21(1), 75-87
Mariani, Pérez-Barahona & Raffin, 2010. "Life expectancy and the environment," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34(4), pages 798-815.
Karp, 2005. "Global warming and hyperbolic discounting," Journal of Public Economics, 89(2-3), pages 261-282.
Hassler, John & Krusell, Per & Olovsson, Conny, 2019. "Directed technical change as a response to natural-resource scarcity,"
Lectures for 2019
For Graduates
Special Lectures on Applied Macroeconomics I, Spring Semester, Fridays 3:10PM-.
Papers covered:
Acemoglu and Restrepo (2018NBERWP) Modelling Automation
Hassler, J., Krusell, P., and Olovsson, C. (2016JPE R&R).
Directed technical change as a response to natural-resource scarcity;
Acemoglu, D. (2003JEEA). Labor-and capital-augmenting technical change;
Leon-Ledesma, M. A. and Satchi, M. (2019RES). Appropriate technology and balanced growth;
Grossman, G. M., Helpman, E., Oberfield, E., and Sampson, T. (2017AER) Balanced growth despite uzawa;
Casey, G. P., and Horii, R. (2019ISERDP). A Multi-factor Uzawa Growth Theorem and Endogenous Capital-Augmenting Technological Change
Macroeconomic Analysis II. Fall Term, Fridays 2:40PM-.
Aghion, Philippe and Howitt, Peter, 1992. “A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction,” Econometrica, vol. 60(2), pages 323-51.
Jones, Charles I, 1995. “R&D-Based Models of Economic Growth,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 103(4), pages 759-84.
Growiec, Jakub , 2007. “Beyond the Linearity Critique: The Knife-edge Assumption of Steady-state Growth,” Economic Theory, vol. 31(3), pages 489-499
Holger Strulik, 2005, "The Role of Human Capital and Population Growth in R&D‐based Models of Economic Growth," Review of International Economics, 13(1), 129-145.
For Undergraduates
知性への誘い「人類の歴史と経済成長」(Spring semester)
Lectures for 2018
For Graduates
Evolution of Economic Growth Theory. Spring Semester, Wednesdays 1:00PM-.
Papers covered:
Handbook of Social Economic Chapter 7 "The Evolutionary Foundations of Preferences," Saint-Paul (2015 Journal of Demographic Economics), Oded Galor and Stelios Michalopoulos (2012 JET), Dutta, Levin, Papageorge, and Wu (2017 Economic Inquiry), Galor and Savitskiy (2018 DP), etc.
Applied Macroeconomics I. Winter Term, Tuesdays 2:40PM-.
Moav and , O. and Neeman, Z. (2012 EJ), etc.
Lectures for 2017
For Graduates
For Undergraduates
Interpreting Economic Phenomena (Fall semester) Fridays 4:20PM-.
Lectures for 2015 and 2016
No lectures due to the academic research visit to Brown University
Lectures for 2014
For Graduates
For Undergraduates
Interpreting Economic Phenomena (Fall semester) Fridays 4:20PM-.
Past Lectures at Tohoku University (2007-2014)
Lectures for 2014
For Undergraduates
Seminar (full year) Wednesdays 2:40PM-.
Ray, Debraj (1998) Development Economics, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
For Graduates
Applied Macroeconomics: Technological Progress (Spring) Mondays 1:00PM-.
reading list;
Applied Macro Workshop (full-year) Fridays 2:40-6:00.
Bernasconi and Profeta (2012EER) ``Public education and redistribution when talents are mismatched '';
Chu, Cozzi and Galli (2014JDE) ``Stage-dependent intellectual property rights'';
Lectures for 2013
For Undergraduates
Seminar (full year) Mondays 2:40PM-.
Oded Galor (2011) ``Unified Growth Theory,'' Priceton U.P. (spring);
Joseph E. Stiglitz (2012) ``The Price of Inequality,'' Norton (fall).
Macroeconomic Analysis (fall)
Mondays 13:00- and Thursdays 8:50AM- at M206 hall.
Blanchard Macroeconomics 6th ed.
For Graduates
Applied Macro Workshop (full-year) Fridays 2:40-6:00.
Daubanes and Grimaud (2010EnvResEcon),
Iwaisako, Tanaka, and Futagami (2011EER), Kaganovich and Zilcha (2012JEDC),
Nakagawa et. al. (2013),
Lorenczik and Newiak (2012EER), Grimaud and Rouge (2008EnvResEcon)
Past Lectures at Tohoku (2007-)
Past Lectures at Osaka (-2006)
Lectures for 2012
For Undergraduates
For Graduates
Applied economics: Economics of marriage and family formation (Spring) Mondays 1:00PM-.
textbook: Browing, Chiappori, and Weiss (2011) Family Economics;
Lones Smith (2006JPE) "The Marriage Model with Search Frictions".
Advanced Macroeconomics (fall) Mondays 1:00PM + Wednesdays 1:00PM.
textbook: Acemoglu (2009)
Introduction to Modern Economic Growth.
Covers general tools and topics in graduate-level macroeconomics
(not limited to growth).
Applied Macro Workshop (full-year) Fridays 2:40-6:00.
Tahvonen and Salo(2001EER), Gustafsson and Sergerstrom (2011IER), Hirazawa and Yakita (2009JPopE),
Schumacher and Zou(2008JEEM), Acemoglu, Aghion, Bursztyn, and Hemous (2012AER),
Heijdra and Romp(2009JPubE), Borota (2012JIE), Jouvet, Michel and Rotillon (2005JEDC),
Lectures for 2011
For Undergraduates
Seminar (full year) Mondays 2:40PM-
Free trade under fire,
Selected Papers from Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Macroeconomic Analysis (fall) Blanchard Macroeconomics 5th ed.
For Graduates
Population economics (Spring) Mondays 1:00PM-
Acemoglu and Johnson (2007)JPE (appendix); Becker, Murphy and Tamura (1990)JPE; Doepke (2005) JPopE, etc.
Applied Macro Workshop (full-year) Fridays 2:40-
Kremer (1993)QJE; Hu and Shimomura (2011); Acemoglu, Gancia, and Zilibotti (2011JET); Golosov, Hassler, Krusell, and Tsyvinski, "Optimal taxes on fossil fuel in general equilibrium," mimeo; Galor and Weil (2000) AER; Arnold and Bauer (2009) JofEcon; Eliasson and Turnovsky (2004) JEEM; Hock and Weil (2011) JPopE, etc.
*No class in AY 2010 (due to a long-term visit to Yale)
Lectures for 2009
Special Lectures at Rennes University, France, "Macroeconomics and the Japanese Economy." (5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 18, 20 March, 2009).
For undergraduates
For graduates
Lectures for 2008
For undergraduates
For graduates
Lectures for 2007
For undergraduates
Macroeconomic Analysis (fall)
textbook and resources,
Lecture slides (password required)
ch 1,
ch 2,
ch 3,
ch 4,
ch 5,
ch 5 (extra),
ch 6,
ch 7,
ch 8,
ch 9,
ch 9 (extra),
ch 22,
ch 10,
ch 11,
ch 12,
Simulation codes for Mathematica
ch 9,
For graduates
See a separate page for
Past Lectures at Osaka (-2006)